Unlocking the Potential of the Larocque Trend
About Dorado
Positioned along the renowned Larocque conductive corridor (the “Larocque Trend”), home to IsoEnergy’s Hurricane Deposit, the 50%-50% Dorado Joint Venture project consolidates Turnor Lake, Geiger, Edge and most of Full Moon into a single high-priority exploration initiative.
Exploration will focus on the high-priority target zones defined by graphitic conductors that wrap around a central granitic dome. A unified approach will integrate and re-evaluate all historical geophysical work and drill hole geology across the properties.
The Larocque Trend extends across the Turnor Lake property to the northern boundary of Full Moon, located 14 kilometres east of the Hurricane Deposit. Drilling has revealed a shallow vertical depth to the unconformity, ranging from just 27 to 133 metres and several highly prospective yet untested zones remain.
Additionally at Geiger, historical drilling intersected high-grade basement-hosted uranium mineralization, including 2.74% U₃O₈ over 1.2 metres in drill hole HL-50 along the H11 South conductor (IsoEnergy press release dated January 25, 2018). Geiger is characterized by 20 kilometres of graphitic conductors, with significant untested gaps of up to 1,000 metres, presenting exceptional exploration potential.
Approximately 5,400 metres in 18 drill holes are planned for 2025.